Oct 08, · Another concept that features prominently in global warming essays is environmental activism. You can either include it as a separate paragraph in a short essay or a different subtopic for longer papers. One of the most outstanding activists in fighting global warming out there is Greta Thunberg. Here is some info about her Jul 24, · + Words Essay on Global Warming. Global Warming is a term almost everyone is familiar with. But, its meaning is still not clear to most of us. So, Global warming refers to the gradual rise in the overall temperature of the atmosphere of the Earth. There are various activities taking place which have been increasing the temperature blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins Global warming refers only to the Earth’s rising surface temperature, while climate change includes warming and the “side effects” of warming—like melting glaciers, heavier rainstorms, or more frequent drought. In layman's terms global warming is a symptom
Global Warming Essay for Students in English
The humanity is and has always been connected with all the life cycles of the surrounding world. But since the emergence of highly industrialized society, the scope of damage that people do to nature has grown rapidly.
About global warming essay of non-renewable mineral resources constantly intensifies. More and more arable lands drop about global warming essay of use as cities and factories are built on them. As a result of the population increase, intensive industrialization and urbanization of our planet, economic pressure began to exceed the ability of ecological systems to self-purification and regeneration. A natural cycle of substances in the biosphere was disrupted.
The health of present and future generations of people is under threat! This is one of the most important and frequent global warming thesis statement ideas. Ecological problems of the modern world are not only acute but also multifaceted, about global warming essay. They are caused by virtually all branches of material production and are relevant to all regions of the planet. There is a number of processes worsening the ecological situation: in particular, the world is getting warmer and humanity is largely responsible for this, experts say.
But many factors affecting climate change have not yet been studied. Scientists and students analyze this topic thoroughly. If you also got a global warming essay assignment, the facts listed below may be useful for your academic about global warming essay. The greenhouse effect has been a serious problem for several decades now. Without it, the temperature of the atmospheric surface layers would be on average 30 degrees lower than the actual one. However, in the last decades, the content of some greenhouse gases in the air has significantly increased: the percentage about global warming essay methane has grown 2.
There are also new harmful substances which simply did not exist earlier; primarily, these are chlorine- and fluorine-hydrocarbons including the notorious freons, about global warming essay.
The link between global warming and air composition change is quite obvious, about global warming essay. Moreover, the reason for the rapid growth in the amount of greenhouse gases is also clear: our entire civilization, about global warming essay, since the bonfires of primitive hunters to modern gas stoves and cars, has utilized the rapid oxidation of carbon compounds, the final about global warming essay of which is CO2.
Human activity is associated with an increase in the content of methane rice fields, livestock, leaks from gas pipelines and nitrogen oxides. Perhaps, people do not yet have a noticeable direct effect only on the content of about global warming essay vapor in the atmosphere.
Among the global environmental issues facing humanity, the problem of CO2 is one of the most controversial. Many consider it to be a far-fetched one. Yet, there are real signs of global warming and forecasts by some climatologists and physicists who affirm that the situation is about to get a lot worse. In their opinion, it should happen because about global warming essay the accumulation of carbon dioxide of anthropogenic origin in the atmosphere.
In the Quaternary period, which includes our time, the content of CO2 in the air is very low. But the pace of accumulation of this gas in the atmosphere is unprecedentedly high. Nowadays, most researchers consider the about global warming essay of fossil fuels as almost the single reason for the CO2 volume about global warming essay in the air in the X - XX centuries.
In the XXI century however, there are deforestation, agricultural pollution, overgrazing, and a number of other factors that have negative effect on the and vegetation cover of the Earth. One should pay special attention to this phenomenon when writing a reasons of global warming essay. Deforestation for the sake of building construction, mining, creation of water reservoirs, and repurposing of forest lands into agricultural ones is considered the most significant factor leading to the permanent loss of organic matter in the biosphere.
The issue of deforestation and burning of fossil fuels are roughly equal now as for the scopes of ecological damage they do to our planet. Degradation of forests occurs on the background of excessive recreation activities and tourism, air pollution, and a number of other cases intensive grazing, flooding of the terrain, drainage of nearby swamps, etc. Through the observations it was established that even an insignificant load causes changes in the soil-vegetation cover.
As a result, about global warming essay, they become smaller and the branches become thin and short. Mechanical damage to forests leads to the development of diseases and increase in the population of pests. When natural territories are visited by large groups of people, the lower tiers of vegetation die, about global warming essay, the soil litter is trampled, and the humus layer suffers. Significant air pollution is one of the main reasons for serious forest degradation.
Fly ash together with coal and coke dust clog the pores of leaves, reduce the access of light to plants, and weaken the process of assimilation. Sulfurous anhydrite is toxic to plants. The vegetation is completely destroyed under the influence of smokes and gases of copper smelters in close proximity.
Significant damage to the forests is caused by the acid precipitation connected with the spread of sulfur compounds into hundreds and thousands of kilometers. A great decrease in forest biomass is also associated with fires.
Nowadays, agricultural activities include processes leading to a rapid reduction of humus in soil and the release of CO2. Agriculture-provoked pollution can be considered as one of the most significant factors that lead to global warming and one of the main climate change research topics.
Most of about global warming essay is lost as a result of severe erosion and weathering. In addition, the cultivated lands lose this natural fertilizer due to its oxidation during the plowing and burning of vegetation in the framework of the slash-and-burn agriculture system.
The constant loss of humus is also observed when nitrogen reserves are depleted in the soil. In developed countries, nitrogen depletion is compensated by using mineral nitrogen fertilizers and cultivation of leguminous crops. Excessive grazing in tundra, forests, and especially in meadows leads to the destruction of the land. This problem can also be discussed in a causes of global warming essay.
Currently, about global warming essay, overgrazing is particularly damaging the ecosystems of Africa, Eurasia, Latin America, and Australia. Simultaneously with the desertification, the soil with its organic matter is gradually removed.
Drainage leads to the oxidation of organic substances accumulated in peat bogs. This also leds to greenhouse effect and may be mentioned in your global climate change essay outline. When removing the 1-meter layer of marsh water from 1-hectare area, dozens of tons of dissolved organic matter are released.
In some cases, this practice causes losses of crucial elements of soil as a result of irrigation erosion. At the same time, the correct melioration of poor desert areas increases the resources of organic matter in the soil. This is one of the most actively discussed environmental science research paper topics. Today, 0. After that, they become completely damaged, uninhabitable, and unfit for agricultural use.
Construction and growth of cities, the creation of communications, and mining generally lead to massive destruction of the soil and vegetation cover; sometimes, in order to about global warming essay lessen the damage, parks are created on the areas that have been subjected to human influence. Every year, construction works and mining operations destroy the soil and vegetation cover on an area of million hectares that leads to a decrease in the organic matter stocks of the biosphere.
Even the most approximate calculation will give the total figure of annual losses equal to several hundred million tons of organic matter. There would not be so many global warming essay examples if humanity was not afraid of the possible consequences of this phenomenon. If current tendencies remain unchanged, the carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere will double by compared to the pre-industrial level and quadruple by the end of the century.
This is an extremely disturbing fact because the life cycle of CO2-emissions in the atmosphere is more than a hundred years. For comparison, water vapor has an eight-day cycle. Modern predictions are based on the idea of a dynamic equilibrium among all components of the natural environment and the danger of its breaking. In particular, anthropogenic warming of the climate system as well as the decrease or even disappearance of snow and ice masses in high latitudes and at the poles of the Earth will significantly weaken the meridional atmospheric circulation and, as a result, lead to the moistening of the continents.
Over the past years, the level of the World Ocean rises by an average of 1 mm per year. It is worth mentioning in your effects of global warming essay that the predicted changes should be observed to the biggest extent in the Arctic and Subarctic. Degradation of permafrost and ice rocks can occur in these zones. All cities, towns, and communications built on such territories are under the threat of destruction.
There are lots of reasons to believe that radical climatic shifts and the melting of glaciers may affect the processes in the depths of the earth. Will such impulses stimulate volcanism and earthquakes in the Сircum-Pacific belt, the Mediterranean, and other seismically active zones? In case the disintegration of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet continues at the same speed, the level of ocean water will grow rapidly by m and this may be enough to provoke volcanic processes in the most seismically active areas.
It will lead to flooding of the continental edges and change the geography of their wet and arid zones that will influence the underground hydrosphere. These changes will undoubtedly cause great damage to the world economy, although the technical advancements of mankind are expected to help us resist it.
Therefore, the measures must be taken to counteract the increase of atmospheric CO2 concentration and provide safety for the biosphere and humanity. The level of the World Ocean will increase by 10 cm, jeopardizing the countries that are located lower than the sea level.
Given the influence of mankind on the environment, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCC insists on increasing the number of observations to create a more about global warming essay picture of global warming. Your global warming persuasive essay should about global warming essay based on information provided by authoritative scholars and organizations. The United Nations has a great influence in various parts of the world so you have every reason to take the opinion of the UN experts into account.
Unfortunately, about global warming essay, most of the conclusions and predictions of specialists are disappointing; according to them the negative results of warming will be seen almost everywhere. For most of Europe, the threat of floods will increase significantly. The glaciers of the Alps and large areas of permafrost will begin to melt and completely disappear by the end of this century.
However, the climate change will have a positive impact on the crops harvested in Northern Europe and almost equally negative effect on the agriculture of Southern Europe. This area will suffer from constant droughts in the 21st century. In Asia high temperatures, droughts, floods, and soil erosion will cause irrecoverable damage to the agriculture of many countries.
A rise of sea level and strong tropical cyclones will force dozens of millions of people to move away from the seashores. Approximately the same conditions will about global warming essay observed in Africa. Crop yields will be considerably reduced, the amount of available drinking water will decrease. There will be less precipitation, especially in the south, north, and west of the continent. As a result, the emergence of new desert areas will become a common issue.
Settlements in Nigeria, Senegal, Gambia, Egypt, and the ones along the southeast coast of Africa will suffer from rising of the sea level and coastal erosion, about global warming essay. Epidemics of infectious diseases spread by insects such as mosquitoes will occur. In North America and Australia, about global warming essay, some regions will benefit from warming because agricultural activities will become more profitable there.
Global Warming Essay
, time: 3:50How To Write A Winning Essay On Global Warming

Global warming is a slow and gradual increase in the average temperature on our planet, which is currently observed. Global warming is a fact, which is why it is necessary to approach it comprehensively soberly and objectively. According to scientific data, global warming can be caused by many factors Global warming refers only to the Earth’s rising surface temperature, while climate change includes warming and the “side effects” of warming—like melting glaciers, heavier rainstorms, or more frequent drought. In layman's terms global warming is a symptom Jul 24, · + Words Essay on Global Warming. Global Warming is a term almost everyone is familiar with. But, its meaning is still not clear to most of us. So, Global warming refers to the gradual rise in the overall temperature of the atmosphere of the Earth. There are various activities taking place which have been increasing the temperature blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins
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