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Essay on extinction of species

Essay on extinction of species

essay on extinction of species

Sep 04,  · BIODIVERSITY AND EXTINCTION Essay - Words BIODIVERSITY AND EXTINCTION Biodiversity is determined by the variety of species extant in a specific ecosystem; this includes both animals and plan StudyMode - Premium and Free Essays, Term Papers & Book Notes Extinction is the loss of populations of interbreeding organisms. It can be caused by habitat destruction, predation and the inability to adapt to changing environments. It can also be caused by changes in the climate and environment or by the evolution of new, better-adapted types of organisms that have displaced earlier forms Endangered Species Ethics Essay According to scientists, around species of plant and animal go extinct every 24 hours. This statistic doesn’t seem so shocking until the realization comes that this is almost 1, times the natural rate for extinction. Humans contribute a great amount to this pandemic

Animal Extinction Essay - Animals Are On The Verge Of Extinction

Of all the species that have lived on the Earth since life first appeared here three billion years ago, only about one in a thousand are still living today. All the others have became extinct usually within ten million years after they first appeared. This in turn has contributed greatly to the current level of biodiversity on the planet. Extinction is the loss of populations of interbreeding organisms. It can be caused by habitat destruction, predation and the inability to adapt to changing environments.

It can also be caused by changes in the climate and environment or by the evolution of new, better-adapted types of organisms that have displaced earlier forms, essay on extinction of species. Commercial exploitation, damage caused by non-native plants and animals introduced in to an area and pollution also contribute to the extinction of species According to many biologists the human population is the primary reason for the increase in the rate of extinction.

Since about species have became extinct. The rapid disappearance essay on extinction of species species was ranked as one of the planet's gravest environmental worries, surpassing pollution, global warming and the thinning of the ozone layer, according to the survey of scientists commissioned by New Essay on extinction of species American Museum of Natural History.

Since the s, worldwide commercial exploitation of animals for food and other products has caused many species to become extinct or endangered.

The whaling industry, in which whales are slaughtered for oil and meat, has led many whale species to the brink of extinction. The African black rhinoceros, killed for its horn, which is prized as a medicine and aphrodisiac, essay on extinction of species, is also critically endangered.

The great auk and the passenger pigeon became extinct in the 19th and early 20th centuries because of over hunting, and the Carolina parakeet also died as a species because of the combination of over hunting and habitat destruction. It is endangering medicinal plants and rapidly leading them into extinction. To begin with, the over-harvesting of medicinal plants is rapidly leading them to extinction, is a plant species known as Himalayan yew tree utilize to treat cancer, is on the verge of becoming extinct in result to deforestation in attempt to collect essay on extinction of species. Deforestation caused by human destruction has endangered the species and half of all Magnolia flowers are endangered and leading to extinction.

Scientist plan to invest in "planting the species as commercial crop", however, the rate of extinct In the argument, "Why worry about extinction," David M. Armstrong says that humans are accelerating the extinction rate, while Norman D.

Levine argues that extinction is just the course of nature. Armstrong says, "Extinction is a failure to adapt to change," and, "Extinction is a natural process. Different Views on the Cause of the End-Permian Mass Extinction The End-Permian mass extinction was huge, the largest of the five major mass extinctions on the geological time scale. There are five major theories to explain the extinction: 1. Erwin also states that this makes the end-Permian mass extinction the longest extinction during the Phanerozoic era.

The First Extinction and the Terminal Extinction. Therefore the amount of time the extinction took is in disagreement among authors with theories as to the cause of the End-Permian mass extinction. The Theory of Nemesis and Reoccurring Mass Extinctions For several decades, the topic of periodical mass extinctions has been one of much debate and speculation by the scientific community as well as the media and public. This would then disrupt the remainder of the food chain and result in mass extinctions, essay on extinction of species.

Scientists connected these periodical mass extinctions with Nemesis because of their similar periods. One of the main pieces of support for the Nemesis Theory is proof of periodic extinctions, essay on extinction of species. This could also be the cause for the variations in time between each period A fourth school of thought holds that many factors converged to cause mass extinction during the last ice age "Combination".

The proponents of the "Kill" theory contend that over-hunting directly caused the mass extinction of the large Pleistocene mammals in North America or that perhaps over-hunting eliminated a "keystone species" and this ultimately led to extinction.

Extinction is a natural process in the evolution of life on earth. No single causal factor can essay on extinction of species conclusively identified as the lo A number of reasons are behind the possible extinction of the wild African lion. The possible extinction of essay on extinction of species is a menace to tourism in Africa.

Their extinction would reduce the economic gains the entertainment industry obtains from broadcasting and selling films about the African lion. From an ecological perspective, the extinction of the African lion endangers the balance of the ecosystem.

I have discussed the possibility of the extinction of the African wild lion. In order to illustrate his point, Gould uses scientific reasoning to compare three theories that attempt to explain the extinction of the dinosaur. Siegel, who presumed that massive overdosing due to poisonous flowering plants drugs may have caused the extinction of the dinosaur and finally, the theory of Luis and Walter Alvarez which is focused on the possibility of a huge asteroid striking earth and causing the dinosaurs, as well as other species, to essay on extinction of species extinct.

Also, as Gould points out, this theory does not take into account the essay on extinction of species of several species of marine l What causes shark extinction?

There are two reasons I came up with that can cause sharks' extinction such as human beings by doing bycatch or overfishing and then there's illegal shark finning. Human beings are the main predators for sharks and the main cause for sharks' extinction, essay on extinction of species.

Type a new keyword s and press Enter to search. extinction Word Count: Approx Pages: 12 Save Essay View my Saved Essays Downloads: 45 Grade level: High School Login or Join Now to rate the paper. Essays Related to extinction 1. Over-Harvesting and the Extinction of Medicinal Plants.

Word Count: Approx Pages: 3 Has Bibliography Grade Level: Undergraduate. Extinction Is The Question. Word Count: Approx Pages: 3 Grade Level: High School. Different Views on the End-Permian Mass Extinction.

Word Count: Approx Pages: 4 Grade Level: High School. The Theory of Nemesis and Reoccurring Mass Extinctions. Word Count: Approx Pages: 6 Has Bibliography. Mass Extinction At The End Of The Last Ice Age. Lions - On the Bridge of Extinction. Word Count: Approx Pages: 6 Has Bibliography Grade Level: Undergraduate. Word Count: Approx Pages: 2 Grade Level: Undergraduate.

Coral Reefs and Shark Extinction. Word Count: Approx Pages: 4 Has Bibliography Grade Level: High School.

Essay on Endangered Animals - Essay Writing on Endangered Animals - Few Lines on Endangered Animals

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The Extinction of Species: Expository Essay Sample |

essay on extinction of species

While extinction constitutes a major part of life, it typically occurs at a rate of one to five species per year. Today, however, scientists estimate plants and animals are being lost up to 10, times this rate, with dozens of species going extinct every day (Greenwald). The only way to combat this problem is through wildlife conservation Sep 04,  · BIODIVERSITY AND EXTINCTION Essay - Words BIODIVERSITY AND EXTINCTION Biodiversity is determined by the variety of species extant in a specific ecosystem; this includes both animals and plan StudyMode - Premium and Free Essays, Term Papers & Book Notes Apr 01,  · Here are some species that have all gone extinct in the past two centuries. The Quagga (Equus quagga ssp. quagga) was a subspecies of the common plains zebra and a native of South Africa. Known for its unique stripes, the Quagga was hunted for its hide and killed by ranchers who believed the animals competed with livestock for grazing blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins

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