Monday, May 31, 2021

Gambling addiction essay

Gambling addiction essay

gambling addiction essay

Aug 23,  · Arnie began gambling as a small child but his first big win at 14 was when it started to get out of hand. Later he got into a lot of debt and began stealing to gamble. Eventually, Arnie found out that he was not the only one with a gambling problem and with the help of some friends he gained hope and was able to stop. Arnie hasn't gambled in 38 blogger.comg: essay Apr 21,  · Other categories that were also ranked included Gambling Friendliness and Gambling Problem & Treatment. New Jersey landed 9th for Gambling Friendliness and 15th for Gambling Problem & Treatment. Pennsylvania lands almost right in the middle of all 50 states, taking the 24th spot overall when it comes to gambling addiction May 12,  · This paper will discuss gambling addiction and other negative wagering issues as part of the "con" side (including the age groups most vulnerable to addictive behaviors); and the paper will also present the "pro" side, including food, beverage and entertainment services offered at OTB sites, the newest OTB innovations (which are on the Internet, which makes a person's home a veritable OTB);

Arnie Wexler’s Story - GamTalk

Addictions have always been a problem to humanity. Many people tend to explain them as weaknesses, sicknesses, or on the contrary, gambling addiction essay, something not worth attention.

People tend to think that addictions are gambling addiction essay connected to substance consumption; everyone is aware of alcohol or drug addiction, for example. Recently, there have also been talks about Internet addiction, video game addiction, sexual addiction, selfie addiction, and so on. Among them is also gambling addiction, which can ruin lives, and can be difficult to detect and treat.

So, what exactly is gambling addiction, and why is it considered to be so dangerous? Generally speaking, gambling addiction is a compulsive act of gambling.

In other words, occasional gambling is not an addiction; systematic, frequent, and harmful gambling is. As it can be seen, gambling possesses attributes rather typical for any kind of addiction, so the reasons standing behind it may also resemble those causing other forms of addictive behavior. In particular, gambling may help a person escape from feelings of depression and anxiety; a gambler may dream of winning a significant sum of money, gambling addiction essay, thus instantly increasing their own self-esteem, reputation, financial status, and achieving the sensation of accomplishing something important in life.

Escaping from mundane reality may also be the subconscious purpose of a gambler; shiny casinos, loud arcades, being surrounded by people who occasionally actually win money—all this can create an illusion of welfare, gambling addiction essay, luxury, and belonging to an elite society.

Besides, western society tolerates gambling much more than other forms of addiction, such as alcoholism or drug abuse. In fact, gambling is often seen as something thrilling but not dangerous, and mass media and advertising agencies only contribute to this image, producing pictures of a fashionable and stylish life connected to gambling; besides, many young people get introduced to gambling at a rather early age—for example, by playing cards or bingo with their parents; these family activities may look rather innocent, but it is important to remember they may also help a young person develop addiction at some point HealthyPlace.

If possible, it is better for parents to spend time with their children in some other ways, gambling addiction essay. Gambling is a form of addiction no different from substance abuse, gambling addiction essay. It is a huge problem for the western world—just in the United States, there are roughly seven million people with varying degrees of pathological gambling behavior.

Possessing a number of symptoms similar to less tolerated forms of addiction such as gambling addiction essay abuse, gambling is still seen as a relatively harmless activity.

Mass media portrays gambling as an element of luxury, and many people having personal problems and trying to escape from them visit casinos, attempting gambling addiction essay run away from their mundane lives. American society would benefit from gambling being treated as a gambling addiction essay of behavior that can cause harm to both gamblers and their family members and friends, as it is already happens with alcoholism or drug addiction.

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What makes you vulnerable to a gambling addiction? - Maia Szalavitz

, time: 3:10

Gambling Addiction Essay | Bartleby

gambling addiction essay

Gambling Addiction Gambling addiction is an issue found in numerous areas where gambling is legal. People who are addicted to gambling, also know as problem gamblers, face many health risks including depression, suicidal thoughts, loss of sleep, loss of appetite, migraine and anxiety in addition to marriage breakdown, problems at work and bankruptcy (9) Apr 21,  · Other categories that were also ranked included Gambling Friendliness and Gambling Problem & Treatment. New Jersey landed 9th for Gambling Friendliness and 15th for Gambling Problem & Treatment. Pennsylvania lands almost right in the middle of all 50 states, taking the 24th spot overall when it comes to gambling addiction Gambling Essay Words | 7 Pages. Gambling, while it lowers taxes and creates jobs, it also causes addicts to lose money and therefore creates a higher crime rate.A Quick History of blogger.comng was a popular pastime in North America long before there was ever a United States

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