Monday, May 31, 2021

Pro gun essay

Pro gun essay

pro gun essay

 · Gun control means control. It means control for the government and the government starts controlling people says Luke Scott. Guns have become so problematic in the United States and as the year goes by and it is so devastating to hear news about schools, grocery stores and many more places that were involved in a gun-related events/5(43) Pro Gun Control Vs the Second Amendment The Second Amendment has played a major role in the rights of citizens of the United States, to possess a firearm. Lawful possession of firearms allows people to protect the nation, themselves, their families, to engage in hunting and other recreational activities, all due to the rights from the second amendment One of the pro-gun control arguments is that the law on gun ownership must be amended to control how guns are used and stored. They link the increased shootings in schools to unsafe storage of firearms

Pro Gun Control - Free Essay Example |

Gun control means control. It means control for the government and the government starts controlling people says Luke Scott. Guns have become so problematic in the United States and as the year goes by and it is so devastating to hear news about schools, grocery stores and many more places that were involved in a gun-related events.

One of the few ways to help improve the problem is that the government should do a psychological screening before purchasing guns to make it harder for anyone to purchase.

Second, regulating gun laws will decrease gun-related crimes. Lastly, Gun control will also help decrease gun homicide and suicide, pro gun essay. To begin by pro gun essay stricter gun laws before anyone can purchase one, the government should impose psychological screening after the background check to see if a person has any psychological dysfunction, so they will be able see what type of a disorder the patient is suffering and also to make sure they are qualified to purchase a gun.

As what we have witnessed from the past mass shootings, most of the pro gun essay shooters had been associated with mental illness. However, not every person with a mental illness is incapable of owning a gun because everyone has the right to own for self-defense, however, they should be approved by their doctor to make sure they are capable and responsible enough to own a gun that they can use for self-defense.

Furthermore, having gun control will decrease the number of suicides and gun homicides in the United States. According to the CDC 22, people committed suicide by firearm, while 14, died in gun homicides Matthews. If they have the knowledge on how easy it is to access guns, it is going to be so easy for them to purchase guns and use it to harm others and themselves, pro gun essay. In Addition, pro gun essay, regulating gun laws will decrease gun related crimes like mass shootings.

According to CNN 21 weeks intoand there have already been 23 school shootings where someone was hurt or killed. That averages out to more than 1 shooting a week Ahmed and Walker. Without gun control, guns are going to be the reason that will cause blood bath in this country. An example was the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, according to the Washington Post seventeen students and teachers were killed¦second-deadliest shooting at a US pubic school.

Thousands of children and teenagers did not have the opportunity to explore their life like going to college and achieving their dreams because of guns. At this point in time, mass shootings have become so common and no one is taking actions.

Imposing Gun control needs to be an immediate effect if we want a change in this country. All in all, gun control is one of the most important issues that the country is dealing with today. Taking away the Second Amendment was never the point; it is about making it harder for people to purchase it. Pro gun essay have been too many tragedies pro gun essay have happened in the past; having gun control can be the answer to surpass this problem.

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Pro-Gun Control - Words | Research Paper Example

pro gun essay

 · Writing good gun control essay or research paper will be successful if student follows these simple five writing tips: Choose good topic that you can stand behind or support with proper research. Always check sources twice. Use only reliable journals or Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins Pro Gun Control Vs the Second Amendment The Second Amendment has played a major role in the rights of citizens of the United States, to possess a firearm. Lawful possession of firearms allows people to protect the nation, themselves, their families, to engage in hunting and other recreational activities, all due to the rights from the second amendment One of the pro-gun control arguments is that the law on gun ownership must be amended to control how guns are used and stored. They link the increased shootings in schools to unsafe storage of firearms

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