· Susan Sontag, On Photography. By Emily Price in Blog, Orals on March 21, Sontag’s essays on photography revolve around the question of what photography is, and what it does. While photographs seems like reality, they are actually more like paintings: they don’t reflect reality, they reflect the “real”, or the interpretation of reality that their photographer has shaped and · Sontag’s collection of essays entitled On Photography is perhaps the most prescient and influential book ever written on the medium. Though it is now regarded as a seminal art-historical text, Sontag was neither an art professional nor an academic: She was alternately celebrated and derided as a “public intellectual.”Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins · Susan Sontag quotes Feuerbach in saying that our age prefers the photograph to the real thing, the appearance before experience. This argument, Sontag says, is widely accepted in modern culture which is constantly engaged with producing and consuming images to such a degree that photography has been made essential for the health of the economy and the stability of social
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Home » Blog » Susan Sontag, On Photography. Unlike other forms of art, photos are only enhanced by the passage of time; their effects like bloom, shadow, etc. However, surrealist photos that rely on their content for effect are not actually surreal; or rather, every photograph is surreal, because every photo is creating an artificial world.
While Sontag does not think photography is art, she does think that it makes what it photographs into art, which is its unique quality.
However, even as a legitimate aesthetic technology, it carries with it the problem that photos subvert reality, a process she thinks is getting worse over time, susan sontag essay on photography. If we consume too many images, the implication is, we will no longer be able to distinguish reality from images, and will live entirely in the image-world. Building on her discussion of Surrealism, which relies on assemblages of objects that produce meaning or alternately, dispassionate photography that gives everything equal meaningshe argues that photography in America makes everything into a relic.
She argues that inventories of America are suffused with loss, because they are anti-scientific efforts to take specimens that stand in for the whole, but in taking specimens they their authenticity, and therefore their power is destroyed.
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Sontag. Others, by Susan Sontag In Regarding the Pain of Others, Susan Sontag asks the reader to think about how our engagement with a photograph affects our understanding of suffering and war. Sontag evaluates the use of images and the role of photography in representing how the interpretation of images is heavily influenced by context, and the effect that these representations have on us · Sontag’s collection of essays entitled On Photography is perhaps the most prescient and influential book ever written on the medium. Though it is now regarded as a seminal art-historical text, Sontag was neither an art professional nor an academic: She was alternately celebrated and derided as a “public intellectual.”Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins usan sontag: on photography: in cave summary humanity, argues susan sontag in in her collection of essays is still in cave. photography changes are
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